Globe City Council Nonprofit Funding Applications are due in the City Clerk's Office By 5:00 p.m., October 20, 2023.

Globe City Council Nonprofit Funding Application

Annually the City of Globe receives requests for funding from local non-profit agencies. Based on these requests, the City typically allocates a portion of its Annual Budget to provide support. The steps below outline the application and review process: 1. All requests will be submitted to the City of Globe City Clerk’s office. A panel of Staff will compile and rank the requests and forward recommendations to a Council Work Group, which will recommend to the City Council. 2. The City Council will review all non-profit requests and approve the final recommendation. All meetings will be public, and all packet materials will be public documents. 3. The City Council reserves the right to require any non-profit agency requesting funds to present them to the Council before any funding decisions. 4. If funded, the City Council reserves the right to require the agency to make quarterly updates to the City Council to report on how the funds have been or will be spent. 5. The following items must be submitted before funding consideration: a. A completed copy of the Agency Funding Application. b. A copy of the current IRS 501(c) 3 nonprofit status certification letter. c. A list of the current Board of Directors. d. The most recent copy of an independently audited financial statement (if not available, submit an internally conducted and board-approved financial audit). City staff will review all applications. A Staff Panel will utilize a scorecard during the funding review and forward it to a Council Work Group for review. The City Council will take final action on the funding requests after the application review. If approved, the funds will be disbursed in the fiscal year applied for. Approved funding under $1,000 will be disbursed in a lump sum. Approved funding over $1,000 may be disbursed quarterly during the fiscal year. APPLICATIONS ARE DUE IN THE CITY CLERKS OFFICE BY 5:00 P.M., OCTOBER 20, 2023.